Clear your calendar, grab your work gloves!
Last year we had an EPIC workday. Getting all those Tees in was amazing. We had great support and we made incredible progress! The goal is to have Otter Brook looking good for our 2018 tournament slate. Or check out our calendar HERE.
I am going to tell you straight out...this year will not be as sexy! So what do we have on the todo list?
2018 workday should really be called 2018 maintenance and preseason cleanup. These are listed in order of importance and what we are going to attack first (more or less).
1) Level and finish Hole #2.
Got to fix our ugly duckling hole. For this we are going to need a lot of manpower or someone with an ATV that is cool navigating through the woods and up hole #1. #2 is mostly done so it wont be horrible, but it still going to take many buckets to get that completed.
2) Level remaining front 9 holes.
Hopefully ATV comes through and we can hit 3 and 8 same time as 2. After that 7, 6, 4, 9, 5, and 1. Hard ones first. The point of re-leveling is to give as a more consistent tee surface and also to raise up rubber so we have less pooling of water and hopefully less ice in the winter
3) Spruce up marking brushes marking our 10 meter circles. This should be a pretty straight forward project, but nice to get done before the park opens.
4) Signage. Our laminated signs did better than I ever thought, but its time for new batch. We will double check lengths of holes and do a new set of signs. Also do a walk through and add arrows and other signage as appropriate. Anyone have one of those measuring wheel things?
5) Help 4 and 6 tees. On hole 4 we want to dig away at the high side to give some room so water has some place to go. Again pooling in summer and less ice in winter. Hole 6 needs some help. Looking for suggestions on that one, but I think we are looking at more rock around the out side and something built into ground to help divert water to one side or the other.
6) Puncheons. This may or may not be a work day thing. All depends on work force. We need to build something new over 6 and a couple of little ones on 3. 6 needs to be done per ACoE, 3 is more cosmetic. Been thinking about a puncheon going across the low spot between 6-7. Again cosmetic.
7) Kiosks. ACoE wants a proposal on this. What we want to build, where we want to put it. Looking for volunteers to help work on this project. Basically, where is best placement, should it be movable for off season etc etc.
So that is my perfect world Workday list...
Yeah yeah yeah, but, "DUDE! What about cutting down trees?" Cutting down trees is its own separate thing. Im sure we will be talking about this as soon as we can start driving down the road to back 9 area. But since you mentioned it... Tree cutting events need to go through Rob B. Period! We need to let ACoE know when we plan to cut. We need to be safe and we need to stick to what we said we were going to cut. More about all that later.
And other non workday project.
1) Lay out back 9 B tees.
2) We need a proposal for where we would like to put practice baskets and possibly a driving net.
3) Learn to play day in conjunction with 2nd Wind Sports this spring
4) Proposal for alternate basket placements.
5) Im sure there are more ideas out there!! Lets here them!
And as always this stuff does not happen with out your help. Its your support both physically and monetarily that makes Otter Brook be what it is. And I cannot stress how much a good turnout makes this easier for everyone. We crushed last year and we can do it this year.