The time is here!! Thanks so much for signing up our 4th Solstice Scrambles!
So a couple of things.
1) If you have not been to Otter Brook, these are the BEST directions. USE THEM!! Do not use directions from Disc Golf Scene.
2) The course will be covered with snow. Please ribbon up! Do this to warm discs the day before! Bring spikes if you got them, but looks like there will be enough snow for traction. We have gotten 4"+ today in Keene.
3) Please be on time. The days are short and cold and I dont want folks sitting around. We have a couple things to do in the morning and I want to be heading out to holes at 9:15. We will be registering and having player meeting at the top lot. We will have someone there right around 8AM.
4) Lunch is on the course. You will not have time to go into town or probably even go to your car. Bring out what you need/want for the day.
5) We will be raffling off a bunch of stuff. Everyone will get a ticket in their player pack, but of course we will be selling extras. Among prizes, 2 20$ gift certificates to Brewtopia in Keene. If you like craft beer, you will love Brewtopia!! We will also be auctioning off hole 3 and 8 as starting holes (both rounds) in morning. If you want to "sponsor" a hole besides 3 and 8, you can have it, first come, first serve for 15$ a team. All money goes to after party and Keene Disc Golf Club.
6) We will have a prize for best costume or team theme. This is not mandatory, but could be fun if you are not lame.
7) We will be having the Jim Sicard After Party at Joe Peanuts in Keene after the tourney. We will be buying first round of wings and fries. Will get more depending on raffles and such. This will not go on all night as we need to be out by 7 for their xmas party.
8) People, this is a for fun tournament. A chance to celebrate the season, look back at 2017, meet some new friends and chuck some plastic in one of my favorite places.
Again Mike and I thank you and look forward to seeing you on Saturday!