Man was I wrong!! For those of you that know me…I go down fighting before admitting I was wrong. But 4 events into the Tour I could not be more wrong. 4 solid events, over 175 players, a new web site, timely standings, money in the bank and starting to build a NH state organization to keep thing moving into the future.
And the reason for the success is that a ton of people have been a part of this. People stepping up to be TD's, vendors helping out, people being flexible. But looking back now, 2 folks really stepped up when it would have been easy to bail. And instead of bailing they rallied, brought folks together and got the tour off on the right foot. First NH tour event ever…no problem. Last minute change of date…got that handled. 4 new temp holes...piece of cake. 90 players descending on your course...bring it on. Marty Vaughn and Jim Bailey really brought their A game!! And by doing so, not just ran a successful first event, I really think it set the tone for the rest of the tour. And there is a lot of tour left.
Closest upcoming events for KDGC members are Pinnacle on 6/7, Wilton on 7/19, The Hollows on 8/2, and our own Otter Brook Open on 9/13. For a full schedule, standings and all that good stuff go check out the Live Free and Drive site at www.nhdiscgolf.org
And 2 Keene Disc Golf Club members are making runs at their divisions. Bryan Lake just took 1st place in AM1 at Moose Mountain and Rob Breckenridge is at the top of the standings in MM1.
So pick a weekend and go play an event. I guarantee you will meet some great folks and have a blast.